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FEBRUARY 15th – 23rd, 2025

Sign up and join the movement below!

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Lee County & Collier County Unite!

Starting in Collier and Lee Counties, Florida, the Jesus Week 9-day outreach event unites churches and ministries for a week-long collective outreach initiative that includes numerous smaller, individual events.

Each participating church receives free training and thousands of resources to support their outreach efforts. Churches are encouraged to engage in multiple events throughout the week. We want you to be as creative as possible!

The week will commence with a collective gathering and prayer for the Jesus Week Movement, setting the tone for the activities ahead. Throughout the week, each church will carry out its respective outreach events, focusing not only on providing resources but also on making disciples and transforming our region for the Kingdom of God.

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For More Information, Contact:

Anthony and Lisa Reinglas

Regional Directors, Jesus Week SW Florida


Our vision is to not only fulfill the Great Commission but to go beyond it. We aspire to sustainability, using the resources we gather as tools to help us achieve this goal. We are passionate about restoration and revival, aiming to expand the Kingdom of God through the love of Jesus Christ. Together, we collaborate with other churches and ministries to foster unity and create a strong community within the church walls, enabling us to be more effective in our outreach beyond them.

If one can chase a thousand and two can chase ten thousand, imagine what the entire body united can accomplish!

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Mark 16:15 :15 And he said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.”


Our mission is to promote and implement the Saturation to Transformation movement, uniting the churches of Southwest Florida in advancing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We aim to be catalysts for change that drive this transformation, and we invite you and your church to join us in this important work.

It is not enough to simply save a drowning soul; we must also teach them to swim, ensuring sustainability. We need to go further—traveling down the river to understand why they fell in the water in the first place—and develop programs both within and outside the church to prevent the next generation from facing the same challenges.

In the meantime, we lift up, feed, and clothe those in need. In accordance with Acts 10:38, we strive to do good and heal all those oppressed by the devil, knowing that God is with us. We aim to plant individuals in local churches with which we have partnered while equipping and training leaders within the body for their integration into the Kingdom, empowering them to replicate this process.

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Matthew 9:36-38

And when he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them; for they were forsaken and scattered like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.” Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.

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The Jesus Week Movement in Southwest Florida will gather, train, and equip churches and ministries to reach the highways and byways, focusing on at-risk and hurting communities. Our mission is to share the Gospel, offer prayer, provide salvation, and foster discipleship through meaningful follow-up. By utilizing proven methods and scripture, we offer your church or ministry free training, resources, and materials to successfully carry out this mission. Once you sign up, you’ll receive additional information and next steps, and an area leader will reach out to guide you through each step toward collective city transformation!

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 1 Corinthians 12:12-13 

For just as the body is one, and has many members, but all the members of the body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ. For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jew or Greek, whether slave or free; and we were all given to drink of one Spirit.

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Don’t know what your outreach strategy will be yet? That’s okay!

If you would like to sign up but aren’t sure about your outreach plans yet, please feel free to provide only your name, location, and church information. We will reach out to you with next steps and upcoming meeting dates as we work together to build this initiative. An official Outreach Calendar will be created and updated as we move forward.