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Diaspora ZOOM Planning Meetings

Calling all pastors and church leaders to support the “Jesus is the Bread of Life”Campaign

Every Thursday 11am or 6:30pm


Just pick the time that works best for you!

Text for Link: 939-788-8650


NOVEMBER 9th – 17th, 2024

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 Jesus Week Puerto Rico is beginning to build momentum as we prepare for regional meetings on the island. We are excited about the response to the call for supporting the Jesus Week Movement en la isla del Cordero(isle of the Lamb). We are requesting support from our churches and leaders from the Diaspora (mainland US). Please feel free to share this email with members of the body of christ that may be interested in our efforts to support Puerto Rico. We hope to kick off our “Jesus is the Bread of Life Campaign to support El Banco Alimento, Puerto Rico Food Bank. 

Click the button and read our special letter to Pastores and Lideres in the Diaspora!



 Establish Puerto Rico as a destination location of prayer, fasting, worshipping for members of the mainland diaspora (6.5 million); to protect the island, to support local churches and influence the governance of the island. 

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 Establecer a Puerto Rico como un estandarte de oración, ayuno y culto para los miembros de la diáspora continental (6,5 millones); proteger la isla, apoyar a las iglesias locales e influir en el gobierno de la isla. 

Marcos 16:15 

15 Y les dijo: Id por todo el mundo y predicad el evangelio a toda criatura. 


 To promote and execute the Saturation to Transformation movement to connect the churches of Puerto Rico for the promotion of the Gospel. Engage the Diaspora from the mainland to promote our Lord and Savior and connect the Body of Christ for HIS will and PURPOSE in Puerto Rico and back home. 

Increase the advocacy of righteousness of the gospel thru coalitions between Christ Centered organizations to influence and educate the neighborhoods, regions and the governments of Puerto Rico, States of the Union and Washington DC- 

Leveraging culture and connection between Puerto Ricans everywhere. 

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 Promover y ejecutar el movimiento de saturación a la transformación para conectar con las iglesias de Puerto Rico con la intención principal de promocionar el Evangelio. Involucrar a la diáspora para promover a nuestro Señor y Salvador, unificar el cuerpo de Cristo con el propósito de cumplir la voluntad de Dios en Puerto Rico y volvernos a Él.. 

Aumentar la defensa de la justicia del evangelio a través de coaliciones entre las organizaciones centradas en Cristo para influir y educar a los barrios, las regiones y el gobierno de Puerto Rico, Estados de la Unión y Washington DC-. 

Aprovechar la cultura y la conexión entre los puertorriqueños en todas partes. 

Mateo 9:36-38 

36 Y al ver las multitudes, tuvo compasión de ellas; porque estaban desamparadas y dispersas como ovejas que no tienen pastor. 37 Entonces dijo a sus discípulos: A la verdad la mies es mucha, mas los obreros pocos. 38 Rogad, pues, al Señor de la mies, que envíe obreros a su mies. 


 To establish a safe, inclusive Christ centered, grass roots movement amongst churches within the immediate communities, to collaborate and promote the Gospel and execute an evangelical ground and air campaign-within the barrios, the counties, the regions and throughout the entire island. 

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 1 Corintios 12:12-13 

12 Porque así como el cuerpo es uno, y tiene muchos miembros, pero todos los miembros del cuerpo, siendo muchos, son un solo cuerpo, así también Cristo. 13 Porque por un solo Espíritu fuimos todos bautizados en un cuerpo, sean judíos o griegos, sean esclavos o libres; y a todos se nos dio a beber de un mismo Espíritu 



AUG 30, 2024

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Hosted by: Christian Pentecostal Church
900 Richmond Rd, Staten Island, NY 10304

See the extraordinary story of how a John 17 movement was born, and how churches are uniting in a saturation to transformation movement to help ignite a Holy Flood across the northeast. All are Welcome! Church teams, pastors, leaders, volunteers, youth, creatives and missionaries…join us for the next Jesus Week Movement – Film Screening.