Global Outreach Day
The vision of Global Outreach Day is of every believer sharing the Gospel on the last Saturday of May every year.
Every believer is a witness! Millions of Christians in over 140 nations are already sharing the Gospel on that day. The goal is for every Christian on this day to reach at least one person with the Gospel message.
What is it about?
It is about YOU sharing the gospel in any possible way to people who never heard it or are not yet born again Christians and leading those people to salvation in Jesus.
All you need is a willingness to go. Share the gospel according to your personal gifting and calling as the Lord leads you.
There are thousands of ways to do this, either personal or together with a group or a church.
What can I do?
Reach at the least ONE person with the Gospel and the Global Outreach Day!
From a personal approach to unsaved friend or neighbours to sharing the Gospel on streets, campusses, public plasses or transportations to larger evangelistic events and outreaches, there are many, many options.
Reach out to the people, don’t wait for them to come to you!
Create opportunities to:
- get in contact and start a conversation
- share your testimony and the Gospel message
- offer them prayer
- lead them to a decision
It is not so difficult as you might think!
For More Information, visit: