Outdoor checkers, Tic Tac Toe games, Creative Arts Station, Snacks, Prizes...
Tappen Park Festival
We will be loving on the community in Tappans Park with food, fun, music costume...
Austin Street Fair
Our church will have three booths in our community's street fair. One for children's crafts...
Community Day
Community Day features free good for the day, social, health, immigration services, outreach...
Bethel Youth Rally & Picnic
You are invited to our annual picnic and youth rally. This event promises to be fun for...
Circle of Christ Church Evangelistic Outreach
We invite all those interested in fulfilling the great commission of Christ to go out...
Circle of Christ Church Evangelistic Outreach
We invite all those interested in fulfilling the great commission of Christ to go out...
Circle of Christ Church Evangelistic Outreach
We invite all those interested in fulfilling the great commission of Christ to go out...
Circle of Christ Church Evangelistic Outreach
We invite all those interested in fulfilling the great commission of Christ to go out...
Circle of Christ Church Evangelistic Outreach
We invite all those interested in fulfilling the great commission of Christ to go out...